Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tramatic Turkey Story

So here is the Turkey story............

I have never cooked a turkey before I don't know why I just never had. Until recently when I was brutally forced into the task. I went shopping at Save mart a local grocery store and I purchased a lot of groceries and they gave me a free turkey. I was like COOL and then I thought about it "wait, I don't know how" so I used my phone a friend I called Papa and he confused me so I pulled the audience (Tommy) and I went and got a turkey bag. Ding Ding this was going to be easy there are few instructions, and I was good to go. So the day came and Tommy was like if you don't cook the turkey soon it will go bad and me being my moms daughter I couldn't bear letting a perfectly good turkey go to waste so here we go. I cut the bag the turkey was in and immediately blood gushed out (blah....heave....hurl) yes, those were my exact thoughts and sounds. Then I touched it and it was all over, at the time I was on the phone with my mom and she was guiding me through it, at this moment I lost it I was balling saying "mom I can't do this" "I am not equip for this activity" " this is horrible" It was by far the grossest thing I have ever done. I had to pull out this thing inside the crotch and a bag of gross stuff from the neck (which I opted not to do) all this time trying my hardest not to throw up. Maybe it was because I am pregnant or maybe I just am not that great of a homemaker. All in all It turned out great and I actually was proud of myself for doing it my mom told me to stop and wait till Tommy got home but I toughed it out like a trooper, it help when your sister calls while your doing it and distracts you with Colorado gossip. that is my story and yes, I probably will do it again just not while I am pregnant.


Katy said...

Vic, you CRACK me up!!! I was laughing the entire time!!! And I totally agree... pulling out that crap from inside the bird... ha, yeah right. fuggettaboutit.

Alisa said...

I hate turkeys. I don't like eating them or seeing them or doing anything with them so a couple of years ago when we hosted Thanksgiving at our house I made sure Scott was there the whole time. My recipe called for butterflying the turkey which consists of breaking it's backbone and pulling it's legs apart so it lays flat. Yeah, I had Scott do that part. Will I do it again, sure as long as Scott is there to help with the backbreaking and such. It looks like it turned out really well though. Good job.

Emily said...

Ha, HA! You are so funny. Amazing job, though! It looks freakin' beautiful!